​Public consultation is an integral component of the Class Environmental Assessment process. 

Hydro One and Veridian have completed the Class Environmental Assessment for Seaton Municipal Transformer Station (MTS).  The final ESR and accompanying appendices can be viewed on Veridian’s website or here.

We provide early notification of proposed undertakings to the government agencies, municipal officials, First Nations and Métis communities, potentially affected property owners, and other local stakeholders, and we maintain a project contact list to keep interested parties informed and engaged throughout the study process.

Together with Veridian, Hydro One held holding Public Information Centres (PICs) to share information about the proposed project and to gather feedback from community members.

Hydro One and Veridian have now completed the Class Environmental Assessment for Seaton Municipal Transformer Station (MTS).

Final Environmental Study Report for Seaton MTS 

Appendix A:

Appendix B: Archaeology and Heritage

Appendix C: Natural Heritage Existing Conditions

Appendix D: Natural Heritage Features

Appendix E: Statement of Completion

First Round of PICs

We held a PIC on November 2, 2016 to introduce ​​the updated Class Environmental Assessment for Seaton MTS.

       View the materials from the PIC below: