High Usage Alerts

Because nobody likes surprises.

With High Usage Alerts, you'll receive alerts in your inbox and be able to view your usage trends, get estimates of your monthly bill, and retrieve energy savings tips!

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All residential and business customers are eligible to sign up for High Usage Alerts if we have 13 months or more history of delivering electricity to you. High Usage Alerts are not available to Seasonal Residents.

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Alert Trigger

If you are trending to use 30 per cent more electricity compared to the same period last year, we will let you know. The alert will arrive between the 7th and 21st day after you received your prior bill.

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Email Alert

The High Usage Alert system can be customized to your needs and preferences. If you prefer to receive information from us via email, that is what we will send you.

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Sign Up

To sign up, log in to myAccount and select the “Receive High Usage Alerts" under “My Profile". We will email you if you are trending to use 30 per cent more electricity compared to the same time period last year.

With High Usage Alerts you'll receive alerts in your inbox, and be able to view your usage trends, get estimates of your monthly bill, and retrieve energy savings tips!

Sign up for High Usage Alerts

Photo of a woman looking at her laptop computer while drinking coffee

Paperless Billing

Eliminate clutter with a PDF bill, get payment reminders and access to your account, 24/7.

Learn more
photo of a person looking at multiple bills

Summary Billing

Have four or more accounts? Sign up to consolidate them on one bill.

Learn more
photo of a balancing rock formation on a beach

Budget Billing

Spread electricity costs evenly over the year to better balance your monthly budget.

Learn more
Hydro One mobile app on a phone

Outage information at your fingertips

Get updates every ten minutes and track local weather with the Storm Centre online map and Hydro One mobile app .

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