Hydro One has completed an Environmental Study Report (ESR) to expand the existing Marathon Transformer Station (TS) in the Town of Marathon.
This undertaking is required to connect the proposed new East-West Tie transmission line to the station. To accommodate this work, the existing Marathon TS would have to be expanded by approximately five hectares onto adjacent Crown land.
Environmental Study Report (ESR) and the
appendices documents consultation on the planning and decision-making process followed during the Class Environmental Assessment. The public review and comment period ended on April 9, 2018. Thank you to those who submitted their feedback.
More information is available in the Notice of Completion (aussi disponible en français), which was published on March 6 and March 13 in the Marathon Mercury newspaper.
More information is also available in the
Notice of Commencement (aussi disponible
en français), which was published on May 23 in the Marathon Mercury newspaper.
Public Information Centre
Thank you to those who attended our Public Information Centre (PIC) on July 25, 2017 to learn more about the project, environmental studies and considerations, and to discuss the relocation of the Shack Lake access trail.
Project Approval Requirements
The proposed Marathon TS expansion project is subject to the
Class EA for Minor Transmission Facilities (2022), an approved planning process under the
Environmental Assessment Act. The Class EA was developed as a streamlined process to ensure that minor transmission projects that have a predictable range of effects are planned and carried out in an environmentally acceptable manner.
The proposed work will also be carried out according to the requirements set out in the
Class EA for Resource Stewardship and Facility Development Projects (MNR, 2002).
In addition, Section 92 approval from the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) is required for the proposed new East-West Tie Project and all associated work, including the proposed station expansion at Marathon TS.
Click here for more information about our application to the OEB (please look under EB-2017-0194).