Ontario Electricity Rebate

The Ontario Electricity Rebate (“OER”) provides eligible customers with a 13.1% reduction on the amount of their bill before HST (O. Reg 363/16), as of November 1, 2024.

The following customers are automatically eligible for the OER and do not need to complete the self-declaration form:

  • Residential and Small Commercial customers (billed under a Residential or General Service Energy rate class) using less than 50 kW.

  • Commercial accounts that are greater than 50 kW but use less than 250,000 kWh annually.

How to determine if you’re currently receiving the OER:

If you're currently receiving the OER, you'll see a line item, like the one below, on your invoice:

image of a bill sample showing where the Ontario Electricity Rebate line item appears

The following customers are eligible for the OER but need to complete the self-declaration form in order to receive the rebate:

Commercial customers (billed under a General Service Demand or Sub-transmission rate class) who:

  1. have a demand for electricity greater than 50kW,

  2. use more than 250,000 kWh a year, and

  3. fall under one of the following eligibility criteria:

    • Farming Business

    • Long-term care home, other than an account that is also in respect of a hospital

    • Multi-unit complexes that are predominantly residential, such as condominium and apartment buildings

    • Common elements in multi-unit complexes that are predominantly residential (as of July 1, 2022)

    • Retirement residence (as of July 1, 2022)

    • Mobile home park (as of July 1, 2022).

In order to apply for OER, please complete the online OER Self-Declaration Form or PDF copy and email to CICR@HydroOne.com.

We’re here to help. If you have any questions please contact us by email at CICR@HydroOne.com or call 1.866.922.2466 from 8:30 am - 4 pm.