A Connection Impact Assessment (CIA) is a more detailed assessment of a project’s impact to the grid. The results include a technical report outlining project feasibility, technical specifications needed for the project, and the impacts the project would have on the distribution grid.


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The LDC is required to submit a completed LDC CIA Form B  along with a payment for the CIA and a signed Study Agreement. 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Please email ​​​​​​​​​​​​​DxGenerationConnections@HydroOne.com or call 1-877-447-4412 for a Study Agreement suited to your project size.

​A complete CIA application consists of:
  • Completed and signed LDC CIA Form B

  • LDC proponent Form B signed and sealed by a licensed Ontario Professional Engineer (P.Eng)

  • Single Line Diagram (SLD) signed and sealed by a licensed Ontario Professional Engineer (P.Eng)

  • Signed Study Agreement

  • Payment in full by cheque, payable to "Hydro One Networks Inc." (see CIA Fee Schedule below).​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Notice: New CIA fees to be implemented January 1, 2022.

CIA Category LDC Applicable Project Type/Size Cost
Simplified Small Projects All generation project applications (including net metering, load displacement and energy storage systems) that are: a) > 10 kW and ≤ 30 kW connecting to a Hydro One shared supply feeder with a voltage less than 15 kV;

 b) > 10 kW and ≤ 100 kW connecting to a Hydro One shared supply feeder with a voltage of 15 kV or greater.


$2,321.48(Including HST)
Embedded LDC Generators

All embedded LDC generation project applications(including net metering, load displacement and energy storage systems) that are:

a) > 30 kW and ≤ 250 kW connecting to a Hydro One shared supply feeder with a voltage less than 15 kV;

b) > 100 kW and ≤ 500 kW connecting to a Hydro One shared supply feeder with a voltage of 15 kV or greater.


$3,386.58 (Including HST)

Capacity Allocation Required Projects
All generation project applications (including net metering, load displacement and energy storage systems) that are:
a) > 250 kW connecting to a Hydro One supply feeder with a voltage less than 15 kV;
b) > 500 kW connecting to a Hydro One supply feeder with a voltage of 15 kV or greater.
(Including HST)
​*Threshold Allocations All generation project applications (including net metering, load displacement and energy storage systems) up to 500 kW that are connecting to anyLDC dedicated feeder.


$565.00 (Including HST)

TS Review for LDC Capacity Allocation Required Projects ​All LDC generation project applications (including net metering, load displacement and energy storage systems) greater than 500 kW that are connecting toLDC dedicated feeder.


$6,745.98 (Including HST)


Important Notes:
  • CIA fees represent the costs for performing the Connection Impact Assessment study only.

  • CIA revisions will be charged 50% of the CIA costs listed in the table above.

  • Refund policy: Any money not spent will be refunded if the CIA is withdrawn before completion.