1. Preliminary Stage
Required to gather information that is needed for Connection Impact Assessment (CIA) application. |
To assist the Applicant by providing the information necessary for a proposed project to help them complete a Connection Impact Assessment (CIA) application (Form B) for applying to connect a Distributed Energy Resource >10KW. The Preliminary Consultation Information Request (PCIR) report will contain basic information required to complete the CIA Form B application, including the proposed project point of connection, and how to check for capacity. |
Preliminary Consultation Information Request (PCIR) - Form A |
15 days upon the receipt of a completed Preliminary Consultation Information Request PCIR (Form A) |
2. CIA Application
After a CIA application has been submitted by the Applicant, Hydro One will review the CIA application to check for completeness; technical accuracy and complete an administrative review. This review also provides Hydro One with the opportunity to request clarification or more information from the Applicant, if required. The Applicant must apply using the latest version of the "online Form B CIA application" and the Applicant must submit a complete CIA package for Hydro One to review. Reminder: CIA Form B "Section P Submission Checklist". Ensure when submitting your application that you also include the Study Agreement and any other pertinent documentation. |
CIA Application (Form B) Form B Instructions Study Agreement |
Hydro One has 14 days to review the CIA application package, to determine if the information provided in the application package is correct and deemed complete. Should we deem your CIA application to be incomplete the Applicant will have 14 days to resubmit a revised application. After Hydro One receives the revised application, Hydro One will have 7 days to review it. Any Applicant that does not meet the timelines, may be required to re-submit a new CIA application and restart the entire review process. |
3. Assessment & Preparation
After Hydro One has deemed the CIA application complete, we will proceed with the technical study to determine the impact of the proposed Distributed Energy Resource (DER) connection to Hydro One's distribution and transmission system. An estimated cost to connect (Class C +/- 50 %) is also provided as part of the CIA package back to the Applicant. Capacity is
NOT granted until Hydro One has completed the CIA and has sent it to the Applicant. |
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Small Projects(a) ≤ 500 kW connected on distribution system voltage < 15 kV (b) ≤ 1 MW connected on distribution system voltage ≥ 15 kV
- 60 days upon the receipt of a completed CIA application Form B
Mid-sized Projects (a) ≤10 MW but > 500 kW connected on distribution system voltage < 15 kV (b) > 1 MW but ≤ 10 MW connected on distribution system voltage ≥ 15 kV
- 60 days upon the receipt of a completed CIA application Form B
- 75 days if project involves a Local Distribution Company (LDC) that is upstream of Hydro One.
Large Projects >10 MW
- 90 days upon the receipt of a completed CIA application Form B
- 105 days if project involves a Local Distribution Company (LDC) that is upstream of Hydro One.
System Impact Assessment (SIA) and Transmission Customer Impact Assessment (Tx CIA) are required for Large projects (> 10MW) |
Payment for SIA and Tx CIA are required with the CIA application submission. If your application is greater than 10 MW you will be required to submit a SIA deposit of $20,000 and a Tx CIA deposit of $15,000 (total of $35,000). Hydro One will reach out to the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) on your behalf and request the IESO to complete an SIA study. After the System Impact Assessment (SIA) has been completed, H1 will true-up/down the SIA deposit. The Applicant will be refunded or may be requested to pay additional money based on the IESO's complete study fees. |
The IESO will assess the connection impact of proposed projects > 10MW on the reliability of the integrated power system. Hydro One Transmission performs the TX customer impact assessment (TxCIA) after Hydro One has received the draft SIA report from the IESO. |
Estimates |
Every CIA package includes a Class C Estimate (Class C +/- 50 %). Applicants may request, at their expense, a detailed Connection Cost Estimate. (Class A +/- 20-30 %) |
CCE Form (Optional)Please contact
Hydro One's Dx Generation Team for more information. |
Hydro One has 90 days to complete the Connection Cost Estimate upon the receipt of a payment and a completed Connection Cost Estimate (CCE) Application Form from the Applicant. |
4. CCA Execution
After you receive your CIA package, the next stage would be to enter into a Connection Cost Agreement (CCA) with Hydro One. The CIA package also includes the CCA application. We recommend that you apply for your CCA as soon as you have made the decision to go ahead with your project. After we have received your CCA Application, Hydro One will prepare the CCA that contains the Terms and Conditions, scope of work and the estimated costs of your project. |
CCA Application |
The CIA expires 6 months from the time CIA was sent to the Applicant. To clarify this means that your capacity is removed if you have not executed and paid for your CCA. For projects over 10 MW, the CIA expires 9 months from the time the CIA was sent to the Applicant or 17 months, if transmission upgrades are required. |
5. Engineering, Procurement & Construction
Generation Connection Milestones
Execute Distribution Connection Agreement (DCA) |
After execution of the CCA, Hydro One will assign a Project Manager to execute the scope of work. The generation connection process consists of the following 3 milestones:
Milestone 1 - Load Connection
Milestone 2 - Commissioning
generation for testing purposes only
Milestone 3 - Completion
generation for commercial purposes
The Distribution Connection Agreement (DCA) is the Connection Agreement between the Customer and Hydro One. This Agreement provides the connection Terms and Conditions, as well as the roles and responsibilities of each party. |
DCA Application |
The project in-service date will be determined at the project kick-off meeting which will take place no later than 45 days after CCA execution. The Applicant must apply for their DCA well in advance of being connected to the Hydro One distribution system. The DCA must be executed at least 30 days prior to the connection date. |
6. Project Close Out
(True-up/True-down) |
At project close out the total allocated cost of connecting the Distributed Energy Resource (DER) facility to the Hydro One distribution system is finalized and Hydro One will issue a final invoice or credit memorandum to settle the difference. |
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The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) Distribution System Code requires Hydro One to provide the generator with a final invoice or credit memorandum (true-up/down) within 180 days of the authorization to generate date. This applies only if all aspects of the project scope are completed within 90 days of achieving milestone 3. If there any outstanding items beyond 90 days of the authorization to generate, the final invoice or credit memorandum (true-up/down) will be issued within 90 days of the project scope completion date. |