Buying a new home is a big investment

Whether you're working with a builder or buying a newly-built home, it pays to invest in energy efficiency. While you might spend a little more upfront, you'll save on energy and maintenance costs and your home will be more comfortable. A home built with energy-efficient measures uses up to 60% less energy than a home without.

Are you a builder or building your own home?

Last chance to qualify for new home construction incentives,
submit your preliminary application by December 19th, 2018.

Get incentives for building energy efficiency into new homes – often up to $1,000 per home!

See if your project qualifies

Benefits you will enjoy for years to come

Illustration of a sun with a high thermometer
Better control of energy costs
Illustration of a spider web
More consistent temperatures
Illustration of a spider web
Fewer leaks and drafts
Illustration of a rain drops
Improved comfort
Illustration of a spider web
Potential of higher resale value
Illustration of a spider web
Better air quality
Illustration of a spider web
Lower environmental impact
Illustration of a spider web
More durable

Top tips for buying an energy-efficient home

Talk to your builder about including these energy-efficient features
checklist iconDownload and print the home-buying checklist
  • 1

  • Lighting Controls
  • Motion sensors, timers, and dimmer switches help create your home's ambiance while saving energy.

  • 2

  • ENERGY STAR® Certified Appliances
  • Appliances make up nearly 20 per cent of your home's energy use. Choose energy-efficient refrigerators, dishwashers and washing machines to save.

  • 3

  • Quality Construction and Duct Sealing
  • Look for tightly-sealed walls and proper duct work to reduce utility and maintenance costs.

  • 4

  • Properly Installed Insulation
  • Inspect insulation in floors, walls and attics to stay comfortable and keep heating and cooling costs in check.

  • 5

  • ENERGY STAR® certified products
  • Light bulbs, light fixtures and ceiling fans are tested and certified to use less energy than conventional products.

  • 6

  • High-Efficiency Heating and Cooling Equipment
  • Look for a furnace with a variable-speed motor and central air conditioning with a SEER 18 rating or higher.

  • 7

  • All-Off Switches
  • Reduce phantom power by switching off non-essential lighting, appliances and devices with just one flick.

  • 8

  • High-Performance Windows
  • ENERGY STAR® certified windows can reduce drafts, muffle noise and reduce energy costs by up to 12 per cent.

Home illustration

Did you know?

New homes use only half the energy of similar homes built in 1950.

Navigating the ratings

Three labels to look for beyond the home inspection

EnerGuide icon

Look for an EnerGuide rating of 83+

Evaluated by a qualified Energy Advisor, an EnerGuide report shows you just how energy efficient your home is. For a brand new house, an EnerGuide rating of 83 or higher is excellent.

Meets building code standards

Features some energy-efficient improvements

Energy-efficient new house

Energy Efficiency Target

Integrates renewable technologies

What is included in the report?
  • Your home's EnerGuide rating

  • Breakdown of your home's energy consumption by space heating, hot water and lights and appliances

  • Where your home will lose the most heat (i.e., basement, windows, main walls, etc.)

  • Helpful energy saving and maintenance tips 


Choose ENERGY STAR® for new homes

ENERGY STAR® certified new homes are an average of 20% more efficient than typical new homes and offer features including:

  • Increased insulation and better air tightness

  • High-efficiency heating and cooling systems

  • High-performance windows

  • Heat or energy recovery ventilation systems

  • ENERGY STAR® certified products