Landscape Tips for Energy Savings

A few well-placed trees can save up to 25% of household energy!

Landscaping adds curb appeal to your home, helping to reduce heating and cooling costs, adding up to 14% in resale value.

In addition to the tips below, visit the Energy Hub for additional tips and tricks and explore energy saving resources for your home.

Visit Energy Hub
Landscaping savings tips & tricks
Father and son planting a tree.

Throw some shade

  • Consider deciduous (leaf-shedding) trees. In summer, they provide shade to reduce solar heat gain, in winter they allow warm sunlight in.
  • To reduce the need for air conditioning, place trees to the south and the southwest side of your home. This provides shade from late afternoon and evening warm summer sun.
  • The right tree in the right spot also offers your home and furniture protection from damaging ultraviolet rays.
  • Depending on the type of soil you have, the size of your lot, or where you live in Ontario, the best tree for you will vary. Ask a professional to see what is right for your property.

Make a break for it

  • A good windbreak includes a mix of coniferous trees, deciduous shrubs, evergreen shrubs and perennial plants.
  • The right combination, such as a single row of white pine, planted tightly together can thoroughly shield your home from cold winter gusts and reduce the speed of wind hitting your home by 60%.
  • A low retaining wall on the north side of your home can help make a windbreak more effective.

Shrub love

  • Low-growing evergreen shrubs planted beside basement walls add a green layer of insulation to your home’s exterior. Tightly spaced shrubs help to keep warmth in and winter winds out.
  • Remember to plant shrubs at least 2 feet away from foundation walls.
  • Use shrubs to shade outdoor air conditioners or heat pump equipment. This can improve efficiency by up to 10%.

Make the grade

  • Vines can shade walls, even in their first growing season. A trellis with climbing vines shades your home and patio area while letting cool breezes flow through.
  • Deciduous vines, such as sweet autumn clematis, morning glories or scarlet runner bean, will shade during summer and allow light in during winter.

Always click before digging

Before you dig anywhere on your property, ensure you or your contractor visit Ontario One Call or call 1-800-400-2255. This is a FREE service to help protect you from risk of injury or damage to hydro, phone, gas, water lines or other underground cables. A line location employee will come and mark spots you or your contractor should avoid.

Shopping Tips

Some things to consider before purchasing trees and plants:
  • How big will it be at full growth?
  • How close will it be to overhead power lines, transformer boxes or other electrical equipment? Keeping a safe distance is essential!
Graphic showing the distance

For larger projects, you may need to hire a qualified contractor. Visit Landscape Ontario to find a professional in your area

Indoor plants being watered

Did you know? Well-placed houseplants can act as natural coolants and air purifiers for your home.

Best bets include English ivy, Spider plants, Peace lilies, Snake plants and Rubber plants.

Visit the Energy Hub for additional tips and tricks and explore energy saving resources for your home.
