Budget Billing

Pay the same amount each month to more easily manage your household budget

Peace of mind  
Peace of mind

In certain months, bills can be higher. Avoid the impact a large bill can have on your budget with set amounts.

Manageable energy costs  
Manageable energy costs

Spread your energy costs evenly throughout the year, making payments more manageable.

Avoid seasonal spikes  
Avoid seasonal spikes

Don't let seasonal swings in energy usage throw you off budget - pay a balanced amount each month instead.

How it Works


Your monthly Budget Billing amount is set based on your billing history to even out your energy costs over the course of the year.


You pay the same Budget Billing amount each month for a period of 6 months.


At the 6th and 9th month of your annual Budget Billing plan, your monthly payment amount is reassessed to make sure you aren't paying too much or too little.


At the end of 12 months from enrollment your account is reconciled with any credits owed or outstanding charges applied to your account. Then the next 12 months automatically begins for you.

Budget Billing CHART

*graph shown for concept illustration purposes only, not reflective of actual bill.

The Hydro One & Design trade-mark is owned by Hydro One Inc.

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Review your Budget Billing Plan and Monthly Payment Amount.

screenshot of the myAccount log in screen  


That's it! Your Budget Billing plan will take up to two months for the invoice to reflect the amount.​

screenshot of the Budget Billing sign up button

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for Budget Billing?

Residential, seasonal, and general service energy-billed customers are eligible for Budget Billing. Unmetered and demand-billed customers are not eligible. If you have signed with a retailer but are billed by us, you are also eligible to enrol.

Note: Quarterly-billed Seasonal accounts who sign up for Budget Billing will receive their bill monthly rather than quarterly.

Can I pick the amount that I want to pay on my Budget Billing Plan?

No, you cannot pick the amount that you want to pay on your Budget Billing plan. Budget Billing is meant to smooth costs over the year. If we were to set an artificial amount, Budget Billing may not work the way it is meant to and would result in a high or low reconciliation bill.

When can I enrol in Budget Billing?

You can enrol in Budget Billing anytime. Once you have submitted your completed online enrolment form, your plan will take effect on your next bill. Enrol for Budget Billing in myAccount.

Can I modify my Budget Billing amount?

If you have had a change in your household that would significantly change your energy use, please contact us to request an account review. Depending on this review, your Budget Billing amount may be either increased or decreased. You can also request a budget Billing review using your myAccount profile.

Can I lower my Budget Billing amount online?

Your Budget Billing amount cannot be lowered online. Only increases are permitted. You can however request a Budget Billing plan review. Depending on your prior 12 months' usage, it may increase or decrease your plan amount. The new amount will be calculated and should be applied to your next bill or the following bill.

Can I cancel Budget Billing any time?

Yes. However, cancellation may not take effect immediately, but should take effect on your next bill. Log into myAccount to cancel your plan.

Once I have cancelled my Budget Billing plan, when will my account reconcile?

Your account will reconcile on your next bill.

When I cancel my Budget Billing Plan, what will happen to my charges?

Your plan will reconcile, and you will be billed for the balance owing or credited for any overpayments.

Update your my Account to summarize all of your accounts

Summary Billing

Update your myAccount to summarize all of your accounts

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Pay directly from your bank, and avoid late fees


Pay directly from your bank, and avoid late fees

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Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance

If you need help paying your bill, we may be able to help

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People sitting outside of a cottage talking and having wine

Summary Billing

Save time, and stay organized. With Summary Billing, we will update your myAccount with one bill to summarize all of your accounts with us.

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Make bill payments easier. It's fast, secure and reliable. Pay directly from your bank, and avoid late fees.

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Hydro One Customer Service Representative

Financial Assistance

If you need help paying your electricity bill, we may be able to help. Learn more about our various Financial Assistance programs here.

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