Fraud Alerts

Stay informed of reported scams and keep your personal information protected.

Have you received a call warning to disconnect your electricity? Customers have reported receiving automated calls that sound like they’re from Hydro One with a message to disconnect power unless the customer makes an immediate payment.

Customers should be aware that this is a scam. In fact, we’ve extended flexibility and payment options for you. If you’re having a difficult time paying your bill, we may be able to help.

Learn about Financial Assistance

If you receive any communication from Hydro One that sounds suspicious, please do not provide any personal information. Call our customer Care team directly at 1-888-664-9376 to ensure you’re speaking with a Hydro One representative.

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Recently Reported Fraud Scenarios

Be aware of the following scams that have been reported to Hydro One

screenshot of a fraudulent website

Safeguard Yourself Against Fraud

We have received reports from customers who called to set up an account and were asked to pay a security deposit at the bank. These calls have been traced to the number (888) 664-9863, which is associated with a website named 'HydroOne - Ontario.

Hydro One does not require a security deposit for residential properties. The only toll-free number for Hydro One Customer Care is 1-888-664-9376.

screenshot of a the fraudulent phone number being searched on Google

Protect Yourself from Phone Scams

We've received reports of fraudulent calls from scammers pretending to be Hydro One customer care representatives. These calls have been reported from the number (888) 920-4401 linked to a website by the name of “Hydro One Energy,” soliciting personal information from customers.

If you receive a suspicious call:

  • Hang up immediately.
  • Report the scam directly to Hydro One.
  • Remember: Our only Customer Care number is 1-888-664-9376.
screenshot of a fraudulent text message scam from March 2024 offering a refund via INTERAC e-Transfer

Requests for refunds via INTERAC e-Transfer

Exercise caution regarding refund requests via INTERAC e-Transfer. Fraudulent messages falsely claim a billing oversight and prompt customers to click on a refund link. Please note that these messages are not from Hydro One. Stay safe by avoiding clicking on any links or sharing personal and financial information.

Fraudulent calls from 1-888-920-4446 soliciting payments

Exercise caution regarding calls from 1-888-920-4446 claiming to be from Hydro One. These calls are fraudulent and aim to deceive you into making payments before addressing your power-related issues and concerns. Please note that this number does not belong to Hydro One.

Remember, Hydro One has only one toll-free number for Customer Care: 1-888-664-9376. If you have any concerns or inquiries, please reach out to us on this line. Your security is our priority.

screenshot of a fraudulent text message scam from February 2024 offering a refund related to a recent power outage

Fraudulent text message offering a refund

Some customers have reported getting texts promising a refund due to a recent Hydro One power outage. This text message isn’t from Hydro One and is fraudulent. We advise customers to not click the link to claim the refund and to delete the text.

Fraudulent emails asking for immediate payment

Customers have reported getting emails from demanding immediate payment with a ‘Pay Now’ option, which asks for credit card information, address and full name. These emails are fraudulent and we advise customers to not click the ‘Pay Now’ link, mark the email as "Junk" and/or delete it.

screenshot of a fraudulent Facebook senior rebateScreenshot of a fraudulent email or webpage after

Senior Assistance Rebates up to $1,250

These fraudulent Facebook ads that appear to be from Hydro One claim seniors can apply for rebates of up to $1,250. Hydro One doesn’t offer Senior Assistance Rebates.

We advise customers to ignore these ads and not click on the link.

screenshot of a fraudulent text message scam from February 2022 offering rate relief on past Hydro One bills another screenshot of a fraudulent text message scam from February 2022 offering rate relief on past Hydro One bills

Fraudulent text messages offering lower electricity prices

Customers have received text messages that appear to be from Hydro One stating they could get the government’s electricity rate relief of 8.2 cents per kWh applied to past bills if they reply.

This message is fraudulent and we advise customers to ignore and delete it. The government’s electricity relief of 8.2 cents per kWh is only for the period Jan. 18 to Feb. 7, 2022.

screenshot of a fraudulent Facebook ad from September 2021 offering fake rebates of up to $500 for Ontario homeowners

Rebates of up to $500 for Ontario homeowners

These fraudulent Facebook ads claim homeowners can apply for instant rebates of up to $500. We advise customers to ignore these ads and not click on the link.

screenshot of a fraudulent Facebook ad from August 2021

In-home assessments

Fraudulent ads are appearing on Facebook offering customers $50 off their Hydro One bill.

The ad encourages customers to apply for a free in-home assessment where a licensed energy management consultant will check your consumption patterns on your most recent energy bills. When the consultants visit homes they pressure customers to buy a HEPA filter system. Hydro One has no in-home assessment program and we do not sell HEPA filter systems.

Fraudulent disconnection calls

Individuals claiming to be Hydro One employees call a customer about an outstanding balance on their account. They urge the customer to make a payment to avoid disconnection, and provide a phone number. When the customer calls this number, it sounds like they’ve reached Hydro One – but that’s not the case.

Hydro One has only one toll-free number for Customer Care: 1-888-664-9376. We advise customers to ignore such calls and not provide personal or financial information over the phone.

screenshot of fraudulent text message

Refund via text message

Customers have received text messages saying they’re entitled to a refund, similar to the message shown. This is not from Hydro One. The message asks the customer to tap or click on a link to accept the refund, then prompts the user to enter their banking information. Any customer receiving this type of message should ignore and delete it. This is a scam.

If you have clicked on such a link and entered your banking information, please contact your bank immediately and tell them what happened.

Counterfeit cheques

Individuals have been sending our customers counterfeit cheques that appear payable by Hydro One Telecom. The individual first establishes a relationship, then asks the customer to cash the cheque and send them the money by wire transfer. If the money is wire transferred before the counterfeit cheque is rejected by the bank, the victim is left with a financial loss. In other incidents, cheques have been sporadically mailed to individuals.

Always remember: if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Fixed-Price electricity contract

Customers have been visited by door-to-door salespeople selling fixed-price electricity contracts. Customers have the choice on how they buy electricity: you can choose to take no action, in which case Hydro One will automatically purchase electricity on your behalf, or you can choose to enter into a contract with an electricity retailer.

Pay by credit card, win a trip

Customers have been contacted by an individual offering to pay their Hydro One bill and reward them with a trip if they pay by credit card immediately. The individual asks for personal information, including billing information. This is a well-known fraud. We advise customers to refrain from providing any personal or banking information in any such scenario. Please report these calls to the police if you want the matter investigated.

Calls from "Hydro One Meter"

Customers have reported getting a phone call displaying “Hydro One Meter” as the caller. This is not from Hydro One – our meters do not have the ability to call customers. This is a well-known scam. We advise customers to ignore such calls.

Account in arrears

An individual claiming to be from Hydro One calls a customer saying their account is in arrears and that urgent action is required. The individual tells the customer to purchase prepaid debit cards from a fraudulent website, providing them with a PIN number. This is a scam. Hydro One doesn’t ask customers to make payments by prepaid debit cards.

Disconnection department

An individual claiming to be from Hydro One’s “disconnection department” calls a customer saying their last payment was not received and requiring immediate payment – or their power will be disconnected. They tell the customer to go to a supermarket and make a payment in cash or by debit, providing a “disconnection serial number” and a fraudulent phone number. We advise customers to ignore such calls, report them to police, and refrain from making any such payments.

Call-back telephone number

An individual claiming to be from Hydro One calls a customer about a planned power outage and asks the customer to confirm by dialing a 1-800 call-back number. The call-back number is very similar to Hydro One’s Power Outages & Emergencies line – but with an added charge of $2.99 per call. Customers should not call that phone number. Hydro One has only two customer phone numbers – and they’re both toll-free.

Outstanding account balance

An individual claiming to be from Hydro One calls a customer about an outstanding account balance and demands credit card information immediately – or their power will be disconnected. This is a scam. Hydro One does not accept credit card or financial information over the phone. We direct customers to the various payment options and provide a reasonable deadline.

Carbon Tax fees

Customers have reported getting a call from an Ottawa-area phone number. The individual claims to be from Hydro One and says they are responsible for collecting a carbon tax fee of $31. This is a scam. We advise customers to refrain from providing any personal or banking information over the phone, and report the matter to local police.

Fraudulent text messages offering lower on-peak electricity price of 8.2 cents/kWh

Customers have received text messages that appear to be from Hydro One. The message indicates the Ontario government has announced a reduction to the on-peak electricity price. A link is provided to claim your reimbursement. This message is fraudulent and we advise customers to delete it.

Fraudulent insurance and account detail calls

Enova Power Corp. recently received a call from a customer alerting them that they received a call from someone claiming to be from Hydro One, asking for the customer’s name and residence, stating they needed their insurance details on file in case of a fire. The customer got suspicious and asked for a name and call—back number, which the scammer wouldn’t provide.

Enova Power Corp. also received notice that other customers have received calls from someone claiming to be from Hydro One asking for account information. Enova’s customer care representatives have also received calls directly from scammers claiming to be from Hydro One asking about the account status of the targeted customer’s address and account information.

Please call our customer Care team directly at 1-888-664-9376 to ensure you’re speaking with a Hydro One representative if you suspect fraudulent activity.

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