2024 Delivery Rates - Woodstock

Effective July 1, 2024

Hydro One delivers electricity safely and reliably to homes and businesses in Ontario. Effective July 1, 2024, updated delivery rates will be in place.

Our regulator, the Ontario Energy Board (OEB), has approved various cost/credit adjustments to reconcile for costs or surpluses incurred while providing electricity to customers. These adjustments will apply to electricity use starting on July 1, 2024, and will be reflected on the Delivery line on the bill.

Learn how we’re improving access to reliable electricity

Our Role in Ontario's Electricity System

infographic of Hydro One's role in the electricity system
What's changing? Changes to the Delivery line
New cost/credit adjustments Increase/Decrease depending on the rate class
Update to our transmission rates to reflect the higher costs of transmitting electricity over our high-voltage system. Increase

How much will my bill change?

The table below shows the bill impacts for a typical/average customer reflecting updated delivery charges effective July 1, 2024. Click here to see where rate class is shown on your bill.

Woodstock Rate Classes Monthly Use
Monthly Peak
Change in Monthly
Total Bill ($)
Change in Monthly
Total Bill (%)
Acquired Urban Density – Residential 750 - $0.35 0.27%
Acquired Urban Density - General Service Energy 2,000 - $1.50 0.47%
Acquired Urban Density - General Service Demand 47,636 134 ($190.29) -2.52%
Street Lights 37,079 - $37.71 0.33%
Unmetered Scattered Load 1,349 - $1.14 0.44%

Notes: Impacts are calculated using Time-of-Use prices.

If you’re a customer in need of help, we're here for you.

We have a number of financial relief programs and other flexible payment options. Learn more or you can call us at 1.888.664.9376.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are delivery rates changing?

Our regulator, the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) approved the rates that we charge for electricity transmission and distribution over a five-year period, beginning January 1, 2023, and for each subsequent year through to December 31, 2027. These rates are reflected on the Delivery line on bills.

We’re following the OEB’s multi-year rate-setting approach. Our rates will be adjusted at the beginning of each year (2024-2027), consistent with the OEB’s approval. Rates for the years 2024 to 2027 will be formulaic rate increases that are tied to inflation and other factors intended to promote efficiency.

What's Rural or Remote Rate Protection Charge?

This is a portion of the Regulatory Charges line item on the bill. This OEB-approved charge is designed to reduce costs for eligible customers located in rural or remote areas where the costs of distributing electricity is higher. This charge is paid by all electricity consumers in the province to fund Rural or Remote Rate Protection that residential (year-round) with a low density receive. The new charge is 0.14 cents per kWh (from 0.07 cents per kWh), effective January 1, 2024.

What rates and charges are included in the Delivery line?

Delivery charges are made up of the following items:

  • Distribution rates are designed to recover our costs for the poles, wires, meters, stations that are used to deliver electricity to your home or business, as well as the costs related to meter reading, billing, and customer service. Distribution rates include a fixed monthly service charge that doesn’t change no matter how much electricity you use. Distribution rates include:
    • a monthly service charge that does not change no matter how much electricity you use, and
    • a distribution volume charge that varies based on how much electricity you use (this charge only applies to non-residential customers).
  • A smart meter entity charge of $0.42 per month that we collect on behalf of the IESO. This charge is effective until December 31, 2027 and only applies to residential and general service energy-billed customers.
  • Cost or credit adjustments (also known as rate riders) – adjustments to reconcile for costs or surpluses incurred while providing electricity to customers.
  • Transmission rates recover the costs to operate and maintain the high-voltage transmission system and vary based on how much electricity you use.
  • An adjustment for line losses.

Where can I find my delivery rates?

Delivery rates are shown below.

We’re here to help

See how we can help you manage your electricity account, including:

Offering payment flexibility, such as customized payment plans.

Enrolling in budget billing to spread energy costs evenly throughout the year.

Customer choice (choose between Tiered or Time-of-Use (TOU) or Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO) electricity prices).

We encourage you to call us at 1.888.664.9376 Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. to learn more about the support options available.

Learn about our Connected with Care program
photo of a father and son using a spray nozzle with a garden hose

Woodstock Residential Rates

Delivery Rates - Effective date July 1, 2024 Acquired Urban Density -
Monthly Service Charge ($/month) $32.631
​Smart Meter Entity Charge ($/month) $0.422
Adjustments (metered use - ¢/kWh) -0.04¢3
Retail Transmission Network Service Rate (adjusted use - ¢/kWh) 1.30¢
​Retail Transmission Connection Service Rate​ (adjusted use - ¢/kWh) 0.96¢
Regulatory Charges - Effective Date January 1, 2024
Standard Supply Service Administration Charge – if applicable ($/month) $0.254
Wholesale Market Service Rate (adjusted use - ¢/kWh) 0.45¢
Rural or Remote Rate Protection Charge (adjusted use - ¢/kWh) 0.14¢
Adjustment Factor 1.043​5
1 A credit adjustment has been applied to monthly service charge. To see the full schedule of rates and charges, please click here. 

2 As directed by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB), the smart meter entity charge will be collected from residential and general service energy-billed customers on behalf of the IESO until December 31, 2027.

3 Two credit adjustments have been applied to delivery rates and will be in effect until December 31, 2025. In addition to these adjustments, a credit adjustment of $0.0009/kWh for Global Adjustment will also apply to eligible customers.

4 This charge does not apply to customers who have a contract with an electricity retailer.

5 Adjustment to account for line losses on Electricity, Regulatory and Trans​mission charges.

Woodstock General Service Energy Rates

Delivery Rates – Effective date July 1, 2024
Acquired Urban Density –
General Service Energy
Monthly Service Charge ($/month)​ $26.36
​Smart Meter Entity Charge ($/month) ​$0.421
Distribution Volume Charge (metered use - ¢/kWh) 1.61¢2
Retail Transmission Network Service Rate (adjusted use - ¢/kWh) 1.00¢
​Retail Transmission Connection Service Rate (adjusted use - ¢/kWh) 0.78¢
Regulatory Charges - Effective Date January 1, 2024
Standard Supply Service Administration Charge – if applicable ($/month) $0.253
Wholesale Market Service Rate (adjusted use - ¢/kWh) 0.45¢
Rural or Remote Rate Protection Charge (adjusted use - ¢/kWh) 0.14¢
Adjustment Factor 1.0434
1 As directed by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB), the smart meter entity charge will be collected from residential and general service energy-billed customers on behalf of the IESO until Decem​ber 31, 2027.

2 Four credit and one cost adjustments have been applied to the distribution volume charge. In addition to these adjustments, two credit adjustments for a total of $0.0054/kWh for Global Adjustment will also apply to eligible customers. To see the full schedule of rates and charges, please click here.

3 This charge does not apply to customers who have a contract with an electricity retailer.

4 Adjustment to account for line losses on Electricity, Regulatory and Transmission charges.​​

Woodstock General Service Demand Rates​

Delivery Rates – Effective date July 1, 2024
Acquired Urban Density –
Gene​ral Service Demand
(50 kW to 999 kW)
Monthly Service Charge ($/month) $146.47
Distribution Volume Charge (metered use - $/kW) $​3.1331
Retail Transmission Network Service Rate (metered use - $/kW) $3.38182
​Retail Transmission Connection Service Rate (metered use - $/kW) $2.59482
Regulatory Charges - Effective Date January 1, 2024
Standard Supply Service Administration Charge – if applicable ($/month) $0.253​
Wholesale Market Service Rate (adjusted use - ¢/kWh) 0.45¢
Rural or Remote Rate Protection Charge (adjusted use - ¢/kWh) 0.14¢
Adjustment Factor 1.0334
1 Four credit and three cost adjustments have been applied to the distribution volume charge. In addition to these adjustments, two credit adjustments for a total of $0.0054/kWh for Global Adjustment will also apply to eligible customers. To see the full schedule of rates and charges, please click here.
2 Retail transmission rates shown are to be adjusted for line losses.
3 This charge does not apply to customers who have a contract with an electricity retailer.​​​

4 Adjustment to account for line losses on Electricity, Regulatory and Transmission charges.​​​

Woodstock General Service - Demand (Greater than 1,000 kW)

Delivery – Implementation date February 1, 2022
(Effective date January 1, 2022)
General Service - Demand
(Over 1,000 kW)
Monthly Service Charge ($/month) $544.35
Distribution Volumetric Rate (metered use - $/kW)* $2.6176
Retail Transmission Network Service Rate (adjusted use - $/kW) $2.9915
​Retail Transmission Connection Service Rate (adjusted use - $/kW) $2.5605
Regulatory Charges - as of January 1, 2022
Standard Supply Service Administration Charge – if applicable ($/month) $0.25
Wholesale Market Service Rate (adjusted use - ¢/kWh) 0.34¢
Rural and Remote Rate Protection Charge (adjusted use - ¢/kWh) 0.05¢
Adjustment Factor Secondary Metered < 5,000 kW: 1.0431
Secondary Metered > 5,000 kW: 1.0145
Primary Metered < 5,000 kW: 1.0326
Primary Metered > 5,000 kW: 1.0044
*Included in the monthly service charge is a cost adjustment (also known as a rate rider). To see the full schedule of rates and charges, please click here.
**Cost and credit adjustments (also known as rate riders) have been included in the distribution volumetric rate shown above. To see the full schedule of rates and charges, please click here.

Woodstock Unmetered Scattered Load

Unmetered Scattered Load
Electricity – Regulated Price Plan Time-of-Use (TOU) - as of Nov 1, 2019 to April 30, 2020
On-peak (metered use - ¢/kWh) 20.8¢
Mid-peak (metered use - ¢/kWh) 14.4¢
Off-peak (metered use - ¢/kWh) 10.1¢
Electricity – Regulated Price Plan Tiered - as of Nov 1, 2019 to April 30, 2020
First 750 kWh (metered use - ¢/kWh) 11.9¢
Above 750 kWh (metered use - ¢/kWh) 13.9¢
Electricity – Non-regulated Price Plan or Retail Contract (if applicable) See Electricity Pricing and Costs
Global Adjustment (if applicable) See Electricity Pricing and Costs
Delivery - as of January 1, 2020
Monthly Service Charge ($/month) $10.42
Distribution Volumetric Rate (metered use - ¢/kWh) 1.29¢
Retail Transmission Network Service Rate (adjusted use - ¢/kWh) 0.68¢
​Retail Transmission Connection Service Rate (adjusted use - ¢/kWh) 0.59¢
Distribution losses See Understand My Bill
Regulatory Charges - as of January 1, 2020
Standard Supply Service Administration Charge – if applicable ($/month) $0.25
Wholesale Market Service Rate (adjusted use - ¢/kWh) 0.34¢
Rural and Remote Rate Protection Charge (adjusted use - ¢/kWh) 0.05¢
Debt Retirement Charge (metered use - ¢/kWh) - as of April 1, 2018
Adjustment Factor 1.0431

Woodstock Street Lights


Street Lights
Electricity – Regulated Price Plan Time-of-Use (TOU) - as of May 1, 2019 to October 31, 2019
On-peak (metered use - ¢/kWh) 13.4¢
Mid-peak (metered use - ¢/kWh) 9.4¢
Off-peak (metered use - ¢/kWh) 6.5¢
Electricity – Regulated Price Plan Tiered - as of May 1, 2019 to October 31, 2019
First 750 kWh (metered use - ¢/kWh) 7.7¢
Above 750 kWh (metered use - ¢/kWh) 8.9¢
Electricity – Non-regulated Price Plan or Retail Contract (if applicable) See Electricity Pricing and Costs
Global Adjustment (if applicable) See Electricity Pricing and Costs
Delivery - as of January 1, 2020
Monthly Service Charge ($/month) $3.06
Distribution Volumetric Rate (metered use - $/kW) $12.5493
Retail Transmission Network Service Rate (adjusted use - $/kW) $2.1540
​Retail Transmission Connection Service Rate (adjusted use - $/kW) $1.8629
Distribution losses See Understand My Bill
Regulatory Charges - as of January 1, 2020
Standard Supply Service Administration Charge – if applicable ($/month) $0.25
Wholesale Market Service Rate (adjusted use - ¢/kWh) 0.34¢
Rural and Remote Rate Protection Charge (adjusted use - ¢/kWh) 0.05¢
Debt Retirement Charge (metered use - ¢/kWh) - as of April 1, 2018
Adjustment Factor 1.0431
